I’m passing this call on from Nicole
From: Nicole Landowski <nlandowski@unomaha.edu>
Sent: 25 March 2019 19:57
Dear Colleagues,
The Center for Meeting Effectiveness at the University of Nebraska at Omaha is gathering studies to be included in a meta-analysis on workplace meeting experiences. If you have any unpublished studies such as working papers, dissertations, or conference presentations that include quantitative data on the following variables, you could help make a valuable contribution to advancing the scientific study of meetings. Some studies reference the ‘last meeting’ and others reference the overall meeting experience – we are interested in relationships between global perceptions of meeting quality and work outcomes.
The study must include at least one form of meeting quality and one work outcome:
- Meeting effectiveness
- Meeting satisfaction
- Engagement
- Emotional exhaustion
- Empowerment
- Job satisfaction
- Affective organizational commitment
- Intentions to quit
Any help that you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciate. If you do have unpublished work available, we ask that you please email Nicole Landowski, at nlandowski@unomaha.edu by April 15th.
Thank you for your time and any help that you might be able to offer!
Nicole Landowski
Nicole Landowski
PhD Candidate, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Assessment & Accreditation Graduate Assistant, College of Business
Mammmel Hall 100P
University of Nebraska at Omaha | unomaha.edu