Nonverbal Mechanisms Predict Zoom Fatigue and Explain Why Women Experience

This research paper on Zoom fatigue just came out:

Here is the abstract:

There is little data on Zoom Fatigue, the exhaustion that follows video conference meetings. This paper administers the Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue scale to 10,591 participants from a convenience sample and tests the associations between five theoretical nonverbal mechanisms and Zoom Fatigue – mirror anxiety, being physically trapped, hyper gaze from a grid of staring faces, and the cognitive load from producing and interpreting nonverbal cues. First, we show that daily usage predicts the amount of fatigue, and that women have longer meetings and shorter breaks between meetings than men. Second, we show that women have greater Zoom fatigue than men. Third, we show that the five nonverbal mechanisms for fatigue predict Zoom fatigue. Fourth, we confirm that mirror anxiety mediates the difference in fatigue across gender. Exploratory research shows that race, age, and personality relate to fatigue. We discuss avenues for future research and strategies to decrease Zoom fatigue.

There is also a Swedish summary at:

You check out the instrument on which the research is based here:

Personally, I had difficulties answering some of the questions, especially those about my experience with Zoom meetings “in general”. For me the answer to those questions depends very much on the actual meeting (type of meeting, and the actual course of the meeting). So to me it would seem better to ask respondents for their experience with their last meeting, rather than meetings in general… What do you think?

P.S. Don’t forget the deadline for this year’s meeting science symposium!