This is a sample of a practice or mind-heart yoga which has helped me in meetings where I feel strong disturbance or diversity-chaos overload, so here it is:
When preparing for meetings, or any time I think of meetings, I recall instances of seemingly miraculous co-intelligence which occurred when groups needed it. I read over my extended needs+hopes list to hone my perceptions. I resolve to be more alert to any hints of grace, nurturing or blessing in self or others. I put on my potentiality spectacles and I breath with hope and love for the group and for the individuals who might attend as co-intelligent collaborators, including self. If any fears arise, I actively fantasize them wilting and killing my egoism until I am left with nothing but SOUL-- Sharing Opening Understanding Listening.
Then, in the meeting, I also listen and look for the needs and hopes which need attention and care, in each soul and in the purpose soul of the group. Often that awareness can get buried, so I have to dig in the rubble to find the treasures, and that helps me empathize and be more ethical. This is essential when I facilitate.
I thank Tom Atlee for his book “Reflections On Evolutionary Activism” especially in the poems “The Facilitator” and “Co-Aliveness”.